Sunday, 26 October 2014

Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is a open-source document-oriented database. It's a NoSql database.

NoSql means 'Not Only SQL' i.e. a database which is more flexible than a SQL database. Flexibility in terms of the schema, data model and the agility of the database
to handle new data.

10gen is initiator of MongoDB project.

Document-oriented database means a database where each record of data is a document. The document in MongoDB is similar to that of JSON object. JSON is short for
JavaScript Object Notation. In fact, data that is stored in database for MongoDB is BSON object, which is Binary JSON.

JSON is a format to write an object in Javascript. JSON objects are in the form of key-value pairs.

A database in MongoDB is made up of collections. Collection is similar to table in RDBMS. Each collection contains documents. Document is similar to record in RDBMS. Each
document can have its own unique set of fields. Documents in MongoDB are very rich and can have embedded documents or an array of documents or lists of values.

MongoDB has a non-normalized way of maintaining data and that is one of the reason that it doesn't support joins. Joins perform poorly scaling out and since MongoDB is
designed for horizontal scaling, it doesn't' support joins.

Let me give you a simple example that shows how data is maintained in MongoDB.

Let's see the example of a Blog: A main page of a blog(similar to say the one you are seeing) usually has Author details, Posts details, Comments details and Tags.
If you have to maintain this kind of data in RDBMS, you need to have separate tables for author details, posts, comments and tags. There will be foreign key specified
between the tables, for e.g.: posts will have a tag_id foreign key or say, posts table will have an author_id foreign key and there can be couple of more relationships
between the tables. So in order to show all the details when someone opens the home page of a blog, there need to be couple of joins between the tables. This is how
RDBMS will store data for a blog.

Now seeing, the same scenario for MongoDB, we typically will have one collection say ,posts. Within this collection we will have documents, list of documents and list of
values which can represent all the data that goes into making a home page of a blog.

something like this:

body: "....",
author:"geetanjali badhla",
date"26 Oct 2014",

So, if you look closely, comments field is a list of embedded documents and not a separate table as it probably would be in RDBMS.
Also, tags is a list of values in the same collection itself.

This kind of structure is very handy and efficient when you have all the data that is usually required together is stored together on disk. There is no need for
multiple joins in this kind of scenario and because of this the scalability of database is easier and efficient.

This represents one document of 'posts' collection. Posts Collection can have multiple documents specified in it, which can have different fields as well. So, you can
have something like below in the 'posts' collection as well:

body: "....",
author:"geetanjali badhla",
date"26 Oct 2014",

Above example shows that we don't have comments field for 'posts' collection in one document but can have in another document within the same collection. This is how
MongoDB dynamically maintain data.

I will continue writing more stuff about probably MongoDB or generic topic of NoSql. Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Introduction to Hive

Hive is a data warehouse framework built on top of hadoop. Hive was developed by facebook. Due to developer support and usage of Hive, it became one of the top project of Apache foundation.
The main reason of Hive's popularity is because of its SQL like language for accessing the data. Hive is very handy for data analysts who are more comfortable with SQL than MapReduce programs written in java. Queries written in Hive are converted into MapReduce programs under the hood.
So when you are working with Hive, you would be creating a table and running queries on the table to retrieve required results. Tables are fundamental entity in Hive. The tables that are created in Hive are stored in HDFS as directories under /user/hive/warehouse by default.
Traditional databases use indexing for faster retrieval of data. Similarly, Hive has a concept of Partitioning. Hive allows user to specify the partitioning columns and based on those columns the data is partitioned and stored in various directories. Partitioning log data based on date is very useful and is stored in various directories under the table’s main directory segregated as folders based on dates. You can specify more than one partitioning column.
Another concept supported in Hive is buckets. It is used to provide a random sample of data which might be useful in some scenarios. For e.g. – aggregate of a sample can provide a good approximation of the entire data set. Buckets work on top of partitions of data created. So if user specifies 32 buckets based on login_id on log data partitioned by date, then for say date 31 Jan 2014, will have 32 buckets and so on.

Metastore is a database that stores hive's metadata. Metastore is a service and the backing store for the data. There are 3 configurations of metastore:
Embedded metastore: By default, metastore contains an imbedded Derby database which is located on the local disk and the metastore service runs in the same JVM as the Hive service.
Local metastore: In order to support multiple sessions and users, any JDBC complaint db running in a separate process either in a local machine or a remote machine is connected to metastore service running in same JVM as the hive service.
Remote Metastore: In this configuration Metastore service is run independent of Hive service i.e. in a separate process and connects to the JDBC compliant db. Because metastore is separated from the hive service so it brings more manageability and security.

Hive is accessed by Command Line Interface (CLI), web GUI and JDBC/ODBC connection.

Hive’s Schema on Read versus Traditional database’s Schema on Write
Traditional databases need to have a schema in place for the tables before you insert data into it. This is called schema on write as data is verified when it is loaded. Hive on the other hand doesn't verify the data when it is loaded. Data is simply copied to the file store, no transformation is required. Hive tables are created when user want to analyze the data and when user reads data from the table then the schema for the table is verified against the data. This is called schema on read. There are some advantages and disadvantages in both the approaches.
Schema on Write takes more time at loading but querying of data is very fast and efficient.
Schema on Read supports saving any kind of data without any botheration about the type, length or any other constraints of the schema. New data with different set of columns can start flowing any time. So, data loading part is very quick and flexible/agile. But at the same time, querying can take more time as your schema verification against data is happening at the time of querying of the data. Also, based on kind of analysis to be performed on data user can have multiple schemas written for the same underlying data.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

HDFS File Commands

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the distributed storage component of hadoop framework. In order to interface with HDFS the user must know hadoop file shell commands.  
Hadoop commands take the form of
hadoop fs -command <args>

Whenever you write hadoop commands you have to prefix it with 'hadoop fs' followed by hyphen and command name. This is required so as the system to recognize that user is accessing files at HDFS and not local file system(underlying operating system).

Let us see some commonly used HDFS commands:

·     copyFromLocal OR put: This command is used to copy/put files from local ( underlying operating system's )  file system to HDFS.
Syntax: hadoop fs -copyFromLocal / put <path of file at local file system: source> <HDFS path: target>

·     copyToLocal OR get: This command is used to copy files from HDFS to local ( underlying operating system's )  file system.
Syntax: hadoop fs - copyToLocal / get  [-ignorecrc] [-crc] <HDFS path: source>
<path of file at local file system: target>

The parameter [-ignorecrc] [-crc] is important when you are copying files from HDFS. HDFS creates a checksum value for each block of every file. Whenever user gets file from HDFS to its local file system she has the choice of validating that data using the checksum value associated with it.

·     ls: This command is used to show the list of files / directories in HDFS. It shows name, permissions, owner, group, replication factor, modification date for each entry.
Syntax: hadoop fs -ls <path>

·       lsr: This command is used to show list of all files and directories recursively. Each entry show same information as ls.
Syntax: hadoop fs -lsr <path>

·       moveFromLocal: This command is used to move file(s) from local file system to HDFS.  The source file is deleted from local file system after successful copying on HDFS.
Syntax: hadoop fs -moveFromLocal <local file path: source> <HDFS path: target>

·         rm: This command is used to delete files or directories.
Syntax: hadoop fs -rm  <path>

·         rmr: This command works same as rm but with recursion.
Syntax: hadoop fs -rmr  <path>  

Monday, 28 July 2014

Hadoop Ecosystem - Projects

I discussed about hadoop ecosystem in my last post. Lets have a look at some of the more dynamic projects of the ecosystem.


Pig is a data flow language that provides high level abstraction to hadoop framework. It is a sequence of operations to extract / query the relevant data from HDFS. Pig provides a flexible way to handle data. It is a batch query language. The script written under Pig is converted into MapReduce program under the hood. This is taken care by the Pig interpreter. The generated MapReduce code can work on HDFS and retrieve the desired data. Pig was developed at Yahoo and is an open source project with a strong community.


Hive is a SQL - kind of language which provides high level abstraction to HDFS, just like Pig. Hive's SQL - kind of language is called HiveQL. It is heavily inspired by MySql. Hive was developed so that data analysts who wanted to use the hadoop platform but are not so well versed with writing MapReduce programs in java, can access the platform with SQL kind of querying. Hive was developed at Facebook and now is a open Source Apcahe project. Currently, Hive is one of the most dynamic project in hadoop ecosystem and is getting richer and richer.


HBase is a column - oriented database which sits on top of hadoop framework and provide a near real - time capability to the platform. HBase can work in tandem with Pig and Hive to provide a flexible interaction with hadoop. HBase is inspired by Google's BigTable and is another dynamic project under hadoop ecosystem.


Sqoop is short for Sql - to - Hadoop. It is a open-source project under Apache foundation. Sqoop is used to transfer data between HDFS and any RDBMS.


It is another open-source project under Apache foundation. Zookeeper is distributed service coordinator. It provides primitives such as distributed locks that can be used for building distributed applications.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

What is Hadoop Ecosystem

Hadoop is an open source framework for storing and processing large amounts of data in distributed manner. It is a batch processing system and has 2 main components - Hadoop Distributed File System ( HDFS ) and MapReduce. HDFS is distributed storage  component while MapReduce is distributed computing. It is Apache foundation project with strong community. There are many real world big data challenges and hadoop core functionality was found to be wanting to face those challenges. There are many gaps in the way hadoop provided solution and a specific big data challenge. For eg - Hadoop is a batch processing system so if you want a real-time solution out of hadoop, it fails. This gap have led to springing up of another apache project, HBASE. HBASE is a column-oriented database that sits on top of hadoop framework and provide real-time capability to the framework.

Similarly, a lot of projects sprung up around core hadoop functionality and together they are called hadoop eco-system. So, each project in hadoop eco-system provide solution to a specific big data problem / challenge. Hadoop eco-system gets bigger and bigger as this technology is being used more and more. There are many projects in eco-system which are Apache foundation's while others belong to various vendors. There are some projects which are evolving pretty quickly due to its strong developer community while others are relatively new.

Lets have a closer look at hadoop eco-system projects in coming posts.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Comparison of Hadoop with Traditional RDBMS

Hadoop is an open source framework for writing and running distributed applications that process large amounts of data.

Comparison of Hadoop with Traditional RDBMS:

Data Size:

Traditional RDBMS: Can handle data in GBs.
Hadoop: Can handle data in PBs.


Traditional RDBMS: Interactive and Batch.
Hadoop: Batch.


Traditional RDBMS: Read and write many times.
Hadoop: Write once, read many times.


Traditional RDBMS: Static schema.
Hadoop: Dynamic schema.


Traditional RDBMS: High.
Hadoop: Low.


Traditional RDBMS: Nonlinear.
Hadoop: Linear.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

MapReduce Program: To find average temperature for each year in NCDC data set.

Big data is a framework for storage and processing of data ( structured/unstructured ). Please check out the program below which draw out results out of semi-structured data from a weather sensor. Its a MapReduce program written in java.

The aim of the program is to find the average temperature in each year of NCDC data.

I am using Cloudera's  VM - cloudera-quickstart-vm-4.6.0-0-virtualbox 
( for development. Make sure you are using the VM that is compatible with your machine, as it comes with different configurations. Cloudera's VM is a great tool to start with for hadoop learning.

There are couple of other VMs available. There is one from Yahoo and another one from Hortonworks, which are equally good and provide a great platform for learning hadoop.

This program takes a data input of multiple files where each file contains weather data of a particular year. This weather data is shared by NCDC (National Climatic Data Center ) and is collected by weather sensors at many locations across the globe. NCDC input data can be downloaded from 
There is a data file for each year. Each data file contains among other things, the year and the temperature information( which is relevant for this program ).

Below is the snapshot of the data with year and temperature field highlighted in green box. This is the snapshot of data taken from year 1901 file:

So, in a MapReduce program there are 2 most important phases - Map Phase and Reduce Phase.
You need to have an understanding of MapReduce concepts so as to understand the intricacies of MapReduce programming. It is one the major component of Hadoop along with HDFS. I will try to include more posts in coming weeks around fundamentals of MapReduce.

Continuing with our current program:
·    For writing any MapReduce program, firstly, you need to figure out the data flow, like in this example am taking just the year and temperature information in the map phase and passing it on to the reduce phase. So Map phase in my example is essentially a data preparation phase. Reduce phase on the other hand is more of a data aggregation one.

·    Secondly, decide on the types for the key/value pairs—MapReduce program uses lists and (key/value) pairs as its main data primitives. So you need to decide the types for key/value pairs—K1, V1, K2, V2, K3, and V3 for the input, intermediate, and output key/value pairs. In this example, am taking LongWritable  and Text as (K1,V1) for input and Text and IntWritable as both for (K2,V2) and (K3,V3)

Map Phase: I will be pulling out the year and temperature data from the log data that is there in the file, as shown in the above snapshot.
Reduce Phase: The data that is generated by the mapper(s) is fed to the reducer, which is another java program. This program takes all the values associated with a particular key and find the average temperature for that key. So, a key in our case is the year and value is a set of IntWritable objects which represent all the captured temperature information for that year.

I will be writing a java class, each for a Map and Reduce phase and one driver class to create a job with configuration information.

So, in this particular example I will be writing 3 java classes: 
 Let me share the code of all the 3 classes, along with the explanation of working of each class:

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*;

public class AverageMapper extends Mapper <LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable>
public static final int MISSING = 9999;
public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws                                                                  IOException,  InterruptedException
                        String line = value.toString();
                        String year = line.substring(15,19);               
                        int temperature;                    
                        if (line.charAt(87)=='+')
                                    temperature = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(88, 92));
                                    temperature = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(87, 92));       
                        String quality = line.substring(92, 93);
                        if(temperature != MISSING && quality.matches("[01459]"))
                        context.write(new Text(year),new IntWritable(temperature));                   

Let us get into the details of our AverageMapper class. I need to extend  generic class Mapper with four formal data types: input key, input value, output key, output value. The key for the Map phase is the offset of the beginning of the line from the beginning of the file, but as we have no need for it, we can ignore it. The input value would be temperature and output key would be year and output value will be temperature, an integer. The data is fed to the map function one line or record at a time. The map() function converts it into the string and read the year and temperature part from the applicable index value. Also, map() function creates a Context object which is the output object from map(). It contains year value as Text and temperature value as IntWritable.

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*;

public class AverageReducer extends Reducer <Text, IntWritable,Text, IntWritable >
public void reduce(Text key,  Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException,                                                       InterruptedException
            int max_temp = 0; 
            int count = 0;
            for (IntWritable value : values)
                                    max_temp += value.get();     
            context.write(key, new IntWritable(max_temp/count));

Now coming to Reduce Class. Again, four formal data types: input key, input value, output key, output value is specified for this class. The input type and value of reduce function should match output key and value of the map function: Text and IntWritable objects. The reduce() function iterates through all the values and find the sum and count of the values, and finally the average temperature value from that.

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat;

public class AverageDriver 
            public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception
                        if (args.length != 2)
                               System.err.println("Please Enter the input and output parameters");
                      Job job = new Job();
                      job.setJobName("Max temperature");
                      FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job,new Path(args[0]));
                      FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job,new Path (args[1]));

A Job object forms the specification of the job and gives you control over how the job will be run. Hadoop has a special feature of data locality, wherein the code for the program is send to the data instead of other way around. So, Hadoop distributes the jar file of the program across the cluster. we pass the name of the class in setJarByClass() method which hadoop can use to locate the jar file containing this class. We need to specify input and output paths. Input path can specify the file or directory which will be used as an input to the program and output path is  a directory which will be created by Reducer. If the directory already exists it leads to an error. Then we specify the map and reduce types to use via setMapperClass() and setReducerClass(). Next we set the output types for the map and reduce functions. waitForCompletion() method submits the job and waits for it to finish. It return 0 or 1, indicating success or failure of the job.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Why is Big Data relevant

As i discussed in my last blog about the basics of big data, the question arises 'why and for whom is big data relevant?'.
Let me explain with an example. Say, a company want to understand the customer's acceptance of its product. If that company could analyze data coming from all the tweets, posts, like/dislike( on facebook ), feedbacks at various portals or other sources, it will provide a great insights and learning for the company.Well, if businesses can analyze big data it can provide valuable insights into the customer's sentiment about products. Now this is just an example of one application of big data.

Somebody has said 'More data usually beats better algorithms'.
So, if companies have the capacity to use all the data that is available to understand their customer's need better, that can be very profitable.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

What is Big Data

Over the last couple of years the penetration of Internet has increased manifold in our lives. The explosion of smartphones, tablets and other gadgets have further increased our browsing time and the ability to be online on the go. Additionally, hardware prices are constantly becoming inexpensive. Because of the above three reasons, humans are generating more data than ever. This data is generated due to social networking, web browsing etc. We are generating data in the form of posts in social networking sites, downloading and uploading pictures, videos, audios, twitters, liking and disliking stuff, buying products online, search histories etc.

Other than human footprint, lots of data is generated by machines. Whether its a data generated by stock exchanges, machine logs, web servers logs etc.

There are 3 main features of big data: 3 Vs of big data

The data that is generated is of huge volume. Data that is generated to the tune of Petabytes.

It specifies that the speed with which the data is generated. Its immensely quick. Just imagine how the web clickstream data would be generated. Web clickstream data is the one that is generated in response to every click you make while browsing.

It specifies the type or format of data. Its diverse. We are talking about data in the form of xml files, images, audios, videos, posts, twitters etc. So, data can be in unstructured, semi-structured and structured format.